Salamander Crossing Brigade Volunteer Materials

Resources for Big Night

Looking for the most up-to-date volunteer handbook? Want to print your own data forms or see a color version of our amphibian ID sheets? Browse our volunteer materials here!

Data Submission

We encourage you to use the below forms to submit your Big Night data. However, if the forms aren’t working for you, you can also email Brett Amy Thelen with your amphibian counts and crossing site information.

Photos are best submitted via the link below, but can also be sent as email attachments or via links to photo sharing sites (Google, Flickr, Dropbox, etc.) Unless you say otherwise, if you share photos with us, we will assume we have your permission to share them via our website, social media, and email, with photo credit to you.

Note: While we’re happy to see and share photos from amphibian crossings throughout New Hampshire — and to include amphibian counts from throughout the state in our internal records —  we will only share data from sites in southwest New Hampshire in our online field reports.

Site Coordinator Materials

Site Coordinators are the go-to people at our well-established crossings on Big Nights. They manage field gear, hand out data forms, answer questions, and make sure amphibian counts get back to us at the end of each night. In addition to the volunteer materials listed above, the following files might be useful for Site Coordinators, both present and prospective.

Contact Us

To volunteer or for more information, please contact Brett Amy Thelen at (603) 525-3394 or by email.