Calendar of Events
Lunch & Learn: Breeding Range of the Broad-winged Hawk with Diego Gallego García
Join biologist Diego Gallego García and the Hawk Migration Association of America (HMANA) for an online Lunch & Learn event, where we'll take a closer look at the breeding habits of the elusive Broad-winged Hawk.
Book Talk: 100 Classic Hikes New England
Join author Jeff Romano for a slideshow presentation showcasing hiking opportunities in all six New England states, with a focus on itineraries featured in his latest guidebook, an updated edition of 100 Classic Hikes: New England.
Book Launch: The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada
Celebrate the publication of The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada by Lillian Stokes and Matthew Young, which reviews have hailed as “the best bird book of the year.” Refreshments and a book signing will follow this lively, information-packed talk.
Natural History of Black Bears in New Hampshire
Join Harris Center naturalist and author Susie Spikol for a talk on the natural history of New Hampshire's black bears. Find out how these large mammals make their living in the Granite State and how to decrease bear-human encounters around your neighborhood.
Saving New England’s Native Plants: Inside the Plant Conservation Volunteer Program
Join Maria Kennedy from the Native Plant Trust to learn about the Plant Conservation Volunteer (PCV) program, a regional community science network that monitors rare plants, collects seeds, and undertakes habitat management projects with the goal of protecting the region's rarest native species.
Book Launch: What the Chicken Knows by Sy Montgomery
Come celebrate the launch of Sy Montgomery's latest book, What the Chicken Knows. With its winning blend of personal narrative and science, this short, delightful book reveals all the things that make chickens such remarkable creatures.