Conservation Research
Study the SuperSanctuary.
Science in the SuperSanctuary & Beyond
The Harris Center supports conservation research on our lands – and throughout the Monadnock Region – via undergraduate, graduate, and other professional study, as well as our popular community science initiatives.

Community Science
The Harris Center’s community science projects connect people to science, with conservation in mind. Our volunteers count migrating amphibians, search for vernal pools, monitor endangered birds, and more.

Monitoring the Fall Raptor Migration
Every autumn, thousands of hawks, eagles, and other raptors wing through New Hampshire on their way to wintering grounds in South and Central America — a spectacle that is considered one of the great wonders of the natural world. At the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough, Harris Center biologists collect hawk migration data as part of an international effort to monitor raptor population trends.

Research on Our Lands
The Harris Center has directly protected more than 23,000 acres of land in the Monadnock Region, much of which is open to conservation research. We also welcome research in collaboration with our popular community science initiatives and longstanding environmental education programs.

Undergraduate Research
We support undergraduate research in environmental studies, geography, and related disciplines by training students in field methods, working with faculty to design capstone research experiences with applied conservation value, and hosting undergraduate internships.

Locally-Grown Science
Learn from local scientists during this full-day conference spotlighting conservation research, ecological restoration, and natural resource management in in the Monadnock Region.
Contact Us
For more information on conservation research with the Harris Center, please contact Brett Amy Thelen at (603) 358-2065 or by email.