Recipe for a Healthy Planet
How Your Food Choices Affect the Planet
Which foods do you buy? Where were they sourced? How do you dispose of scraps and leftovers?
These seemingly inconsequential choices quickly add up, tremendously impacting not only our own well-being, but also the health of our planet — including all its inhabitants, its soils and waterways, and its climate.
We can make a difference with our food choices. Let’s do this!
Please use the resources contained on these web pages to whet your appetite for how to best inform decisions that you make for yourself and this place we call home.
“A ‘climate friendly’ diet emphasizes whole, minimally processed and locally grown foods with lots of fruits and vegetables and plant-based proteins. Animal products are from trusted, local sources, and animals are raised and processed humanely. Plant and animal foods are grown and harvested with the health of our ecosystems in mind.”
— New Hampshire Food Alliance
“Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth.”
— Summary Report of the EAT-Lancet Commission