Recipe for a Healthy Planet

Food Choices Matter

Why Food Choices Matter

There is an enormous body of research and a seemingly endless amount of information available about the impact that our daily food choices have on the environment and our health. Having so much information at our fingertips can be daunting, so we’ve sorted through and highlighted some of our favorite resources here. We hope that you will take a look and get inspired!

Here’s the bottom line: modifying your eating habits can make an environmental impact and help you feel healthier at the same time. Need some convincing?

For the videophiles among us: Watch this 6-minute video by Dr. Greger of for a quick tutorial on how a plant-based diet can help the health of the planet.

For the audiophiles: Listen to this 4-minute audio clip from NPR, “When Consumers Want to Reduce Their Carbon Footprint, Food Choices Matter.” They tell us that, “According to the World Bank, 20-30% of Earth’s carbon emissions come from agriculture. When possible, consumers can reduce their carbon imprint through food choices.”

And finally, for the staunch readers: Check out this summary report of the EAT-Lancet Commission, which states, “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth.” EAT is “the science-based global platform for food system transformation.”

Now… let’s get started!