- Food Choices Matter Overview
- Articles & Websites
- Films, Videos, Podcasts
- Books
- Impact on Personal Health
Countless documentarians, videographers, and podcasters have poured their skills and expertise into the creation of information-packed content about the benefits of a plant-based diet. Here are a few such examples to help you get started.
- Forks Over Knives documentary film by Gene Stone: A film that became a book and then a full-blown plant-based movement, led by Brian Wendel.
- Vegucated: A Guerilla-style documentary film available on YouTube tracking three New Yorkers who adopt a vegan diet and share their learnings.
- “Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet: An Interactive Guide for the Planet” by the Gaples Institute: A comprehensive yet easily digestible, interactive video that addresses the personal and planetary health implications of your food choices.
- “Food Choices for a Healthy Planet Game”: An interactive ‘game’ you can play to see the impact your food choices make across the planet.
- “Diet and Climate Change—Cooking Up a Storm” and “Win-Win Dietary Solutions to the Climate Crisis” from NutritionFacts.org: two very short videos explaining the effects of food choices on your health and the planet.
- Plant Strong Podcast with Rip Esselstyn: “We advocate for the scientifically proven benefits of plant-based living and envision a world that universally understands, promotes, and prescribes plants as the solution to empowering your health, enhancing your performance, and restoring the environment.”
- The Exam Room Podcast from the Physicians Committee with Dr. Neal Barnard: The science of a vegan diet, plus recipes and breaking medical news. Don’t miss this one: “Healthiest Foods for the Environment and for You Too” with Dr. Joanne Kong.