- Food Choices Matter Overview
- Articles & Websites
- Films, Videos, Podcasts
- Books
- Impact on Personal Health
Here is just a small selection among the many great books on this topic:
Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe: A classic that “expands on the idea of diet as a powerful agent of social change, emphasizing how plant-centered eating can help restore our damaged ecology, address the climate crisis, and move us toward real democracy.”
The Restore-Our-Planet Diet: Food Choices, Our Environment, and Our Health by Patricia Tallman: With a PhD in Water Resources Engineering, Tallman explains how a plant-based diet benefits human, animal, and environmental health while also providing plant-based recipes and analysis.
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming edited by Paul Hawken: “Drawdown has become a seminal text on climate solutions, drawing on humanity’s collective wisdom about the practices and technologies that can begin to reverse the buildup of atmospheric carbon by mid-century.”
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan: Explores where food comes from, tracing its source to your dinner table.
This is Vegan Propaganda (And Other Lies the Meat Industry Tells You) by Ed Winters: How our food choices can impact the climate crisis, health issues, and human and non-human exploitation.
Raw Deal: Hidden Corruption, Corporate Greed, and the Fight for the Future of Meat by Chloe Sorvino: Financial journalist Sorvino explores the vulnerabilities of the food supply chain and consequent links to environmental destruction.