Calendar of Events

Kestrel Nest Monitoring Training: Part I (Virtual)
Wednesday, May 4, 2022,
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
- This event has passed.
Note: This event was originally scheduled for April 28.

The American Kestrel is one of our smallest local raptors and a species of special concern in New Hampshire. This year, the Harris Center is launching a new Kestrel monitoring initiative, starting with training volunteers to collect baseline data about Kestrel breeding across the Monadnock Region. Come help in the exciting early stages of this new project! To get started, join Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown and ecologist Steven Lamonde for an introduction to Kestrel life history and how to survey for this iconic species. Interested volunteers are also encouraged to attend the field training on April 30.
7 to 8 p.m. via Zoom. Closed captioning will be available. To get the login details, please register here.
This event will be recorded. To ensure access to the recording, please register for this event, even if you cannot attend live.