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Eastview Trail
Events at this location
Biodiversity in the SuperSanctuary: iNaturalist Field Training & Mini BioBlitz
Join ecologist Nate Marchessault for a hands-on introduction to iNaturalist. We'll start with group instruction on how to collect and submit natural history observations via the iNaturalist app, then venture out to document as many species as possible along the Eastview and North Pond Trails!
Babies in Backpacks and Toddlers in Tow in Harrisville
Oh, the sweet sounds and sights of summer! On this slow ramble with Harris Center naturalists, we’ll look for magical finds like red efts, tiny toads, singing birds, wild blueberries, and more.
Trail Run: Harrisville Rail Trail to Cobb Hill and Back
Join Dan Langille, Dennis Muhonen, and Tyler Hogan for a 6.5-mile trail run through Harris Center-conserved lands.