The son of an Air Force pilot, Brian Hutchings was born in Mississippi and lived up and down the East Coast before settling in New Hampshire with his family. He now lives in Hancock with his wife Christina, three of their children (their eldest lives in Vermont), and a growing pack of animals that includes dogs, chickens, and goats.
Brian received a bachelor’s degree in Music from James Madison University, and worked briefly as a musician before earning his law degree from Villanova University in 1999. Since 2007, he has been a partner with the venture capital law firm Gunderson Dettmer.
In his leisure time, Brian loves being active outdoors with his family, including hiking and running with his dog Henry and all forms of winter skiing. In addition to serving on the Harris Center’s Board of Trustees, he is a member of the Hancock Fire Department, the Okemo Ski Patrol in Ludlow, Vermont, and the National Ski Patrol.