Hillary Siener

Lead Owl Bander

Hillary Siener measures a saw-whet owl wing chord by headlamp. (photo © Brett Amy Thelen)Hillary (she/her) has worked in the natural resources field for 15 years with government, non-profit and private organizations across the Northeast. Since 2022, she has spent many brisk, fall evenings banding Northern Saw-whet Owls with the Harris Center. When she is not in the New Hampshire woods at night, she is working as a Wildlife Biologist in Massachusetts where she spends her days on a variety of wildlife and habitat monitoring and management projects. She received a MS in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Conservation Biology from Antioch University New England and a BS in Geology from St. Lawrence University.

Hillary is originally from rural Rhode Island and now resides in Jaffrey. She is happiest hiking, kayaking local water bodies, and traveling the world, all with binoculars in her hands and her husband Mike by her side.