Katrina Fenton

Seasonal Raptor Biologist

Katrina Fenton sits in a green kayak on a lake. (photo © Katrina Fenton)Katrina’s lifelong fascination with nature began in the “wilds” of Nashua, New Hampshire, with backyard bugs and sparrows and rambles to local parks. Weekly adventures to the Seacoast or mountains (including Mount Skatutakee and the Harris Center grounds) only encouraged her love of the outdoors, sparking the dream to turn this love into a profession. This dream became a reality when she landed her first field job as the hawk counter at Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch in Maine, followed by more than a decade of biological fieldwork throughout northern New England on a variety of projects — from searching for nesting Rusty Blackbirds to keeping track of New Hampshire’s breeding population of Northern Harriers to counting bats emerging from field housing.

When not monitoring wildlife for work (or fun!), Katrina loves to hike, knit, forage, read, and ski. She and her husband Levi are living the seasonal biotech lifestyle, traveling wherever the field jobs take them.