Phil Brown

Bird Conservation Director & Land Specialist

Phil Brown looks into the distance while holding a pair of binoculars. (photo © Ben Conant)Phil (he/him) spent his childhood in Staten Island, New York, where there was “just enough green space” to help cultivate a deep interest in the natural world, particularly, birds. In and after undergraduate studies at Rutgers University, he pursued a career in natural resource management, initially in urban settings. In 2004, he took to the wilder woodlands of New Hampshire, landing a job as NH Audubon’s Director of Land Management stewarding wildlife sanctuaries, a position he held for 17 years. Phil’s path with the Harris Center first crossed during his time as a graduate student at Antioch University New England in 2007, when he interned as an easement monitor and served as teaching assistant for Meade Cadot’s final Mammalogy class.

Phil is a frequent field trip leader for the Harris Center and a birding and natural history tour guide for both The Dreamcatchers and Lead with Nature. In addition to connecting people to the natural world, Phil’s other interests as the Harris Center’s Director of Bird Conservation include managing conservation projects related to American Kestrel, Broad-winged Hawk, the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory, and implementing sound stewardship across the region.

Phil lives in Hancock with his family, where he can be found in a variety of outdoor habitats in all seasons, tracking winter wildlife, making maple syrup, pursuing birds, tending peach trees, paddling, swimming, hiking, biking, and having fun with family and friends.