In Fine Feather

A Celebration of Birdsong

A Musical Hiking Experience

Welcome to In Fine Feather, a musical journey through the Hiroshi Loop Trail in Peterborough! Birds have long been symbols of hope and renewal, harbingers of warmth and abundance, and a physical manifestation of spiritual freedom, inspiring artists of all stripes. The Harris Center and Electric Earth Concerts invite you to discover this shared history through an innovative exploration of music and poetry inspired by birdsong. Here’s how it works:

A map of the Hiroshi Loop Trail, featuring photos of different birds that can be heard along the way, as well as their European counterparts.

  1. Download the music. Download this digital mix tape of music and poetry inspired by birdsong. If you’re using the Google Drive app to download the file, there is a dropdown menu in the upper right corner with the option to make the file “available offline.” We recommend that you select this option to ensure you don’t have any connectivity issues while on the trail.
  2. Check out the map. If you’d like a digital preview of your hike, you can download this map and accompanying text. Hard copies are also available at the Hiroshi trailhead. Cell service is spotty on the Hiroshi property, so be sure to pick up a hard copy or download the digital version before you hit the trail.
  3. Get your sound system ready. Grab a small portable speaker so the music can mingle with the sounds of the forest. If you prefer headphones, we suggest earbuds that allow some sound from the outside world to filter in.
  4. Take a hike. Make your way to the Hiroshi Loop Trail. Start hiking, press play, and enjoy!

Contact Us

For more information on In Fine Feather, technical assistance with downloading the music or setting up your playback equipment, or to arrange a private guided tour of this unique musical hike, please contact Jazimina MacNeil by email.