Using a surgical scalpel, Hannah Ellingwood intricately cuts feathers, skin, fur, and scales from paper. Self-taught, Hannah draws from her own experiences to make her art. Her detailed wildlife portraits illustrate the awe she feels when in the presence of wild animals. Whether it’s watching a great gray owl, exploring a national park, or meeting and ‘shaking tentacles’ with Sy the Octopus at the New England Aquarium, Hannah tries to remind her viewers of the connection that we have with all living creatures.
Hannah’s history with the Harris Center dates back to middle and high school, when she accompanied her mother to work at our Wol’s Nest summer camp and eventually became a Harris Center camp counselor in her own right. She also designed a commemorative bobcat sticker for our 50th Anniversary.
Her Harris Center exhibit with artist Michelle Russell runs from November 2 to 26, 2019 in the Thelma Babbitt Room. The artists will hold an opening on Sunday, November 3, from 4 to 6 p.m.