Calendar of Events

Monarch Butterfly Tagging
Friday, September 6, 2024,
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
- This event has passed.

Contact Miles at (603) 525-3394 or by email to be added to a notification list in the event that we’re able to reschedule.
Every fall, monarch butterflies undertake a spectacular, 3,000-mile migration from New England to central Mexico. Contribute to the scientific understanding of this impressive annual migration during an afternoon of butterfly tagging with Harris Center ecologist Brett Amy Thelen and monarch mavens Andy Chapman and Wendy Ward. Together, we’ll use butterfly nets to catch any monarchs we find, then affix each one with a tag that displays a unique code before releasing them back to the wild. Afterward, we’ll submit our data to Monarch Watch, in the hope that these individual monarchs might be re-sighted on their overwintering grounds in Mexico or elsewhere along their migratory route. You’ll leave with a few tags to use on your own, and a new appreciation for this most royal of insects
Bring a butterfly net if you have one (or use one of ours), and come prepared for sun, tall grass, ticks, and other biting insects. No experience necessary!
1 to 2 p.m. at the Hiroshi Land in Peterborough, which is located on the east side of Route 137, 2.1 miles north of its junction with Route 101. Space is limited.
For general information about Harris Center field trips, see our Outings Information page. For more information about this particular event, including questions about accessibility, please contact Brett.