A New Model for Giving

October 5, 2019
A picture of a toddler looking closely at something he found on a Babies in Backpacks and Toddlers in Tow outing. (photo © Ben Conant)

The Harris Center is deeply grateful to each and every one of you who cares about the natural world. Your support enables us to connect more children to nature, protects more open space, and provides both the young and the “young at heart” with more opportunities to explore the great outdoors.
(photo © Ben Conant)

What’s in a name? Over the years, the lines have become blurred between being a “member” of the Harris Center and being a “donor.” Membership typically comes with associated benefits, depending on giving level. However, over the years, supporters who sent in a donation outside of our standard “membership appeal” were also given those benefits. There really is no difference, other than in the nomenclature.

With our 50th Anniversary Year upon us, it seemed like a good time to streamline our giving program to eliminate any confusion around terminology. So, going forward, we’ll no longer be using the words “member” or “membership.” Anyone who makes a monetary donation is part of the Harris Center family! Benefits associated with certain giving levels will remain the same.

All gifts, no matter the size, are greatly appreciated and enable the Harris Center to fulfill its mission of land protection, environmental education for all ages, and conservation research. The Harris Center is deeply grateful to each and every one of you who cares about the natural world and demonstrates your support for those values. Thank you!

Contact Us

For more information on the benefits associated with different giving levels, please see our Donate page or contact Lisa Murray at (603) 525-3394 or by email.