Field Report from the 2024 Saw-whet Owl Banding Project
2024 was our third season of saw-whet owl banding on SuperSanctuary lands. Here are the highlights!
2024 was our third season of saw-whet owl banding on SuperSanctuary lands. Here are the highlights!
An ambitious new study aims to track the Wood Thrush migration throughout North and Central America — including several birds tagged on Harris Center lands.
This spring, Harris Center staff, interns, and volunteers have installed nest boxes, monitored goshawk breeding territories, and more.
2023 was another successful year at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.
We’ve made a few updates to our Salamander Crossing Brigade program for 2024! Here’s what you need to know.
In the fall of 2023, the Harris Center launched its second season of saw-whet owl banding on SuperSanctuary lands, as part of an international research effort to better understand this charismatic species.
We’ve made a few updates to our Salamander Crossing Brigade program for 2023! Here’s what you need to know.
In the fall of 2022, the Harris Center conducted a pilot season of saw-whet owl banding on SuperSanctuary lands, as part of an international research effort to better understand this charismatic species.
2022 was a notable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.
The Harris Center recognized several exemplary partners and volunteers at our 52nd Annual Meeting on October 21.
This August, the Harris Center piloted a monitoring effort to document the fall migration of the state-endangered Common Nighthawk through the Monadnock Region.
This spring, go on the trip of a lifetime with these books about one of nature’s most remarkable phenomena — migration.