Migration News

Salamander Crossing Brigade Updates for 2022

We’ve made a few updates to our Salamander Crossing Brigade program for 2022. Here’s what you need to know.

Final Report from the 2021 Hawk Watch

2021 was a notable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

Tagging Along with Broad-winged Hawks

In an exciting new research collaboration, biologists from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary recently attached satellite transmitters to three Broad-winged Hawks nesting in the SuperSanctuary.

“Nightsongs” Wins an Emmy

“Nightsongs” — a wondrous short film about nocturnal bird migration featuring our very own Eric Masterson — has won an Emmy!

Salamander Crossing Brigade Updates for 2021

We’re making some changes to our Salamander Crossing Brigade program for 2021. Here’s what you need to know.

Field Report from the 2020 Hawk Watch

2020 was a different kind of year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

An Irruption Year for Finches

This is a banner year to see irruptive winter finches! A bonanza of Red Crossbills found its way to the Harris Center in late summer, and there are more finches to come in the colder months.

New Motus Station Will Contribute to Migration Research

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is revolutionizing the study of winged migration, and it’s coming to the Monadnock Region!

An Update on our Broad-winged Hawk Tracking Project

The Harris Center is working Hawk Mountain to tag Broad-winged Hawks with satellite transmitters, as part of ongoing efforts to better understand the ecology and migratory behavior of this iconic species.

Four New Projects Supported by 50th Anniversary Fund

The Harris Center is launching a new 50th Anniversary Fund, which will seed innovative education and conservation research projects for years to come, as well as provide for stewardship of the land and trails in our care. Four initial projects have already received funding.

Nightsongs: Tracking the Spring Bird Migration

Listen to spring unfold through the sounds of night-migrating birds.

Keene to Close Second Road to Protect Migrating Amphibians

Following two successful seasons of amphibian detours at North Lincoln Street, the City of Keene will be working with the Harris Center on limited closures of the Jordan Road amphibian crossing site, as well.