Conservation Research News

Field Report from the 2022 Saw-whet Owl Banding Project

In the fall of 2022, the Harris Center conducted a pilot season of saw-whet owl banding on SuperSanctuary lands, as part of an international research effort to better understand this charismatic species.

Field Report from the 2022 Vernal Pool Project

In 2022, our community scientists and interns documented 5 new vernal pools in three Monadnock Region towns.

Final Report from the 2022 Hawk Watch

2022 was a notable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

A New Nighthawk Migration Monitoring Initiative Takes Flight

This August, the Harris Center piloted a monitoring effort to document the fall migration of the state-endangered Common Nighthawk through the Monadnock Region.

Summer Interns Contribute to Conservation Research & Stewardship

In the summer of 2022, interns provided essential support for a wide variety of projects, from conservation easement monitoring to conference planning to forest community inventory.

An Update on Our Broad-winged Hawk Project

Biologists recently affixed satellite transmitters to two Broad-winged Hawks in the SuperSanctuary as part of ongoing research on the migration ecology of this iconic raptor species.

A Kestrel Project Update

In the pilot season of a new monitoring project, Kestrels are showing signs of breeding success at nest boxes in Hancock.

New Research Initiatives Focused on Raptor Species in Decline

The Harris Center is expanding our efforts to monitor three raptor species in decline: Broad-winged Hawk, American Kestrel, and Northern Goshawk.

Keene to Close Second Road to Protect Migrating Amphibians

Following three successful seasons of amphibian detours at North Lincoln Street, the City of Keene will now work with the Harris Center to close the Jordan Road amphibian crossing site to through-traffic, as well.

Final Report from the 2021 Hawk Watch

2021 was a notable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

Field Report from the 2021 Vernal Pool Project

In 2021, our community scientists documented 8 new vernal pools in three Monadnock Region towns.

Coverboard Cam: Solving a Salamander Study Site Mystery

In the fall of 2021, our red-backed salamander study plots were found in disarray. What happened to them?