Raptor Research News

An Update on Our Broad-winged Hawk Project

Biologists recently affixed satellite transmitters to two Broad-winged Hawks in the SuperSanctuary as part of ongoing research on the migration ecology of this iconic raptor species.

A Kestrel Project Update

In the pilot season of a new monitoring project, Kestrels are showing signs of breeding success at nest boxes in Hancock.

New Research Initiatives Focused on Raptor Species in Decline

The Harris Center is expanding our efforts to monitor three raptor species in decline: Broad-winged Hawk, American Kestrel, and Northern Goshawk.

Final Report from the 2021 Hawk Watch

2021 was a notable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

Tagging Along with Broad-winged Hawks

In an exciting new research collaboration, biologists from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary recently attached satellite transmitters to three Broad-winged Hawks nesting in the SuperSanctuary.

Field Report from the 2020 Hawk Watch

2020 was a different kind of year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here are the highlights.

An Update on our Broad-winged Hawk Tracking Project

The Harris Center is working Hawk Mountain to tag Broad-winged Hawks with satellite transmitters, as part of ongoing efforts to better understand the ecology and migratory behavior of this iconic species.

Four New Projects Supported by 50th Anniversary Fund

The Harris Center is launching a new 50th Anniversary Fund, which will seed innovative education and conservation research projects for years to come, as well as provide for stewardship of the land and trails in our care. Four initial projects have already received funding.

Field Report from the 2019 Hawk Watch

2019 was a memorable year for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Here’s what we learned.