Jude and his family discovered the menagerie of wooden creatures along the Harriskat Trail during their Hike-a-thon adventures.
(photo © Maria Finnegan)
We’re delighted to report that the Harris Center’s first-ever Hike-a-thon was a success, with people of all ages hitting the trails and enjoying the beauty of the season. The Hike-a-thon spanned two weeks – October 7 through 21 – during which hikers explored Harris Center trails on their own, with friends, or on Harris Center-led group hikes.
This event was also a fundraiser, with all of the funds going toward building benches for the Harris Center grounds and trails, as part of our efforts to make our outdoor spaces more accessible. Many people need a place to rest along the way, parents and grandparents with small children often need to take breaks, and sometimes hikers simply like to kick back and take in the scenery!
Special Recognitions
Some people made a one-time donation to the Hike-a-thon and others sponsored individual hikers or teams. Per-mile sponsorships provided extra incentive to take to the woods as often as possible during the two-week period. The top three fundraisers were awarded Harris Center caps: Cynthia Gray, Mary Hamlen, and Karen Seaver. In addition, Steven Lamonde (Skatutakee Skippers) and Beth Corwin (Roaming Badgers) were given almanacs for being the top fundraiser on each of their teams.
Drum Roll, Please…
All in all, our Hike-a-thon hikers raised a total of $2,558, enough to build at least 10 benches! Thank you to all who hiked and to all who took part by making a donation or sponsoring a hiker. We hope to build the benches over the winter and early spring and to install them next spring and summer.
Contact Us
If you are interested in being part of the volunteer bench-building effort, please contact Outreach Manager Lisa Murray by email.