A Day at the Races

Team New Millenium from St. Joseph’s School in Keene won the Best Use of Technology Award.
(photo © Brett Amy Thelen)
Last week, over 100 5th through 8th grade students from six area schools gathered at Adams Playground in Peterborough for the 6th Annual Monadnock Regional Junior Solar Sprint, a solar-powered model car competition sponsored by the Harris Center.
Students spent weeks designing and constructing their cars in preparation for the race. “The kids learn about solar power, how things work using energy from the sun,” said South Meadow School teacher Dwain Hammet. “It fits right in with our curriculum, talking about gear ratios, friction, weight versus strength. The kids have to make decisions and problem-solve…This can stay with them for the rest of their lives.”
Ribbons were awarded for Best Craftsmanship (to the car with the most careful construction); Most Innovative (to the car with the most creative design); Best Use of Technology (to the car with the most effective transmission and use of the solar panel); Kid’s Choice (to the car with the most student votes); and Speed. Congratulations to all the competitors on an awesome day at the track!