The northern end of the newly conserved property, which slopes down from Forest Road (Route 123) towards Old Hancock Road. (photo © Jeff Brown)
We’re delighted to announce that the Harris Center has just protected a small, but significant parcel of land on Forest Road (Route 123) in Hancock. With 1,650 feet of road frontage, this 20-acre property serves as a scenic gateway to Hancock Village. It’s also a valuable wildlife corridor for critters moving between conserved lands on Norway Hill and along Ferguson Brook, including the Valley Farm meadowlands. Wildlife already observed using this corridor include White-tailed Deer, Black Bear, and Northern Goshawk.
The new conservation easement preserves the forested approach to town on Route 123, as well as the slope above — and views from — Old Hancock Road, which is a popular walking route. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Friends of the SuperSanctuary, old and new, whose generous and swift support made this project possible, just in the nick of time!