A New Refuge for Wildlife and People
On March 18, the Harris Center closed on a beautiful 10-acre property at the corner of Hancock Road and Route 137 in Harrisville. Donated to us by Edith Richardson, the parcel abuts Harris Center-owned land to the north and Army Corps conservation land to the south, fulfilling a core goal of our land protection efforts: to connect protected lands for people and wildlife alike.
Perhaps most significantly, the parcel is traversed for 0.3 mile by a scenic walking trail that overlooks Nubanusit Brook. Flanked on either side by stone walls, the trail follows the route of the original Hancock Road, and offers a gradient and surface that is comparable to the Eastview Rail Trail. The trail and property are open to the public, though we have not yet installed a kiosk or created a pulloff for parking. If you’d like to visit, please park on the side of Hancock Road until we’re able to build a more permanent parking area.
We hope you’ll join us in thanking Edith Richardson for her foresight and extraordinary generosity in protecting this special place!

A pink lady’s slipper growing along the trail on the newly-conserved Richardson Land. (photo © Ben Conant)