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Community Science

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Salamander Crossing Brigade Workshop

Zoom , United States

Every year, the Harris Center trains community scientists to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades at amphibian road crossings throughout the Monadnock Region. Attend this online training to join their ranks – or simply to learn more about the spring amphibian migration.

Kids Count for Wildlife: Squirrel Survey

Hancock Elementary School Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all wildlife lovers ages 9 through 18! Try your hand at field research and develop your naturalist skills by joining Harris Center naturalist Susie Spikol for an afternoon of squirrel searching as part of Project Squirrel.

Butterflies of New Hampshire

Zoom , United States

Have you ever wondered which butterflies are flitting through your garden? Join retired wildlife biologist and butterfly fan Mark Ellingwood for an introduction to these captivating and charismatic insects.

Ashuelot River Water Quality Monitoring Volunteer Training

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States

Join the Ashuelot River Local Advisory Committee (ARLAC) for their 23rd season of water quality monitoring! During this in-person training, we'll review sampling techniques, go over the use of monitoring equipment, and share the 2023 sampling schedule.

Field Forays with the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all butterfly fans! Join wildlife biologist Mark Ellingwood and other members of the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club for this two-part course as we practice identifying butterflies on the wing and in the net, in preparation for a statewide butterfly survey in July.

Kids Count for Wildlife: Red-backed Salamander Survey

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all wildlife lovers ages 9 through 18! Try your hand at field research and develop your naturalist skills by joining Harris Center naturalists Karen Seaver and Susie Spikol and LAB GIRLS teacher Emily Wrubel for an afternoon of salamander counting as part of long-term study.

Field Forays with the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all butterfly fans! Join wildlife biologist Mark Ellingwood and other members of the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club for this two-part course as we practice identifying butterflies on the wing and in the net, in preparation for a statewide butterfly survey in July.

Kids Count for Wildlife: Monarchs and Milkweed Survey

Peterborough Peterborough, NH, United States

If you love monarch butterflies and want to help scientists find out more about these remarkable insects, here’s your chance! Join a team of Harris Center naturalists at a local milkweed patch, where we’ll count monarch eggs, caterpillars, and butterflies.

Monitoring for Monarchs

Peterborough Peterborough, NH, United States

Get ready for the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz by joining Harris Center ecologist Brett Amy Thelen to survey for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and butterflies in a Harris Center-conserved milkweed patch.

Monarch Butterfly Tagging

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
This event is now full, but you can still join the waitlist.

Every fall, monarch butterflies undertake a spectacular, 3,000-mile migration from New England to central Mexico. Here’s your chance to marvel at monarchs up close while contributing to the scientific understanding of their impressive annual migration!

Kids Count for Wildlife: Red-backed Salamander Survey

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all wildlife lovers ages 9 through 18! Try your hand at field research and develop your naturalist skills by joining Harris Center naturalists for an afternoon of salamander counting.

Surveying for Salamanders

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Harris Center ecologist Brett Amy Thelen for an afternoon of salamander monitoring at the Harris Center’s long-term study plots.

Birding for All: World Migratory Bird Day Big Sit at Pack Monadnock

Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory Miller State Park, Peterborough, NH, United States

Join Harris Center raptor biologists Levi Burford and Katrina Fenton as we tally all bird species observed during a single day from a single location: the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough. Beginning birders and all ages welcome!

50th Annual Peterborough-Hancock Christmas Bird Count

Hancock, Peterborough and Surrounding Towns NH, United States

Every winter for 50 consecutive years, volunteers have scoured a 15-mile diameter circle in the Peterborough-Hancock area for birds as part of the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) – the largest and longest-running community science project in the world. In addition to the teams who fan out in the field, birds are also tallied at backyard feeders.

The Kestrels Young Birders Club: Christmas Bird Count

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Are you a teenager or tween with an interest in birds and birding? Join a growing movement of young adults who are honing their wildlife observation skills, learning to recognize birds and their calls, and spending time outside building community with other young birders.

Birding for All: Great Backyard Bird Count

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Every February, people around the world count birds in their neighborhoods as part of the Great Backyard Bird Count — an annual survey that helps scientists better understand global bird populations. Join the fun by counting at the Harris Center bird feeders with our Bird Conservation Director, Phil Brown.

The Kestrels Young Birders Club: Great Backyard Bird Count

Hancock Hancock, NH, United States
This event is now full, but you can still join the waitlist.

Are you a teenager or tween with an interest in birds and birding? Join a growing movement of young adults who are honing their wildlife observation skills, learning to recognize birds and their calls, and spending time outside building community with other young birders.

Salamander Crossing Brigade Workshop

Zoom , United States

Every year, the Harris Center trains community scientists to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades at amphibian road crossings throughout the Monadnock Region. Attend this fun, information-packed volunteer training to join their ranks – or simply to learn more about the remarkable spring amphibian migration.

Vernal Pool Project Workshop

Buck Meadow Conservation Area 32 NH-101A, Amherst, United States
This event is now full, but you can still join the waitlist.

Join Harris Center ecologist Brett Amy Thelen for this hands-on introduction to vernal pool documentation, with special focus on identifying amphibian egg masses.

Ashuelot River Water Quality Monitoring Volunteer Training

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States

The Ashuelot River Local Advisory Committee is recruiting volunteers for their 24th season of water quality monitoring!To volunteer, join Barbara Skuly for this in-person training, where we'll review sampling techniques, go over the use of monitoring equipment, and share the 2024 sampling schedule

NH Bat Counts Volunteer Training

Harris Center & local field sites 83 King's Highway, Hancock

Join wildlife biologists Sandi Houghton and Haley Andreozzi to learn more about the bat species found in New Hampshire, the threats they face, and how you can help.

Field Foray with the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club as we search for crescents, blues, sulfurs, and other butterflies – and learn to identify them by their field marks, flight patterns, and behavior.

Biodiversity in the SuperSanctuary: iNaturalist Field Training & Mini BioBlitz

Eastview Trail Hancock Road, Harrisville, NH, United States

Join ecologist Nate Marchessault for a hands-on introduction to iNaturalist. We'll start with group instruction on how to collect and submit natural history observations via the iNaturalist app, then venture out to document as many species as possible along the Eastview and North Pond Trails!

SuperSanctuary Butterfly Count

Harris Center & local field sites 83 King's Highway, Hancock

Join the SuperSanctuary Butterfly Club as we survey local meadows, woodlands, and wetland edges for coppers, crescents, skippers, swallowtails, fritillaries, and other beautiful butterflies! The data we collect will be submitted to both the North American Butterfly Association and the NH Butterfly Monitoring Network.

Kids Count for Wildlife: Monarchs and Milkweed Survey

Peterborough Peterborough, NH, United States

If you love monarch butterflies and want to help scientists find out more about these remarkable insects, here’s your chance! Spend a morning with a team of Harris Center naturalists as we count monarch eggs, caterpillars, and butterflies for science.

Monitoring for Monarchs

Peterborough Peterborough, NH, United States

Take part in the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz by joining Harris Center ecologists Brett Amy Thelen and Nate Marchessault to survey for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and butterflies in a local milkweed patch. No experience necessary!

Monarch Butterfly Tagging

Hiroshi Land Route 137, Peterborough, NH, United States
This event has been canceled due to circumstances beyond our control.

Every fall, monarch butterflies undertake a spectacular, 3,000-mile migration from New England to central Mexico. Here’s your chance to marvel at monarchs up close while contributing to the scientific understanding of their impressive annual migration!

Kestrels Young Birders Club: SuperSanctuary BioBlitz

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Are you a tween or a teen with an interest in birds and birding? Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your skills, connect with other wildlife fans, and contribute to community science!

SuperSanctuary BioBlitz

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Our SuperSanctuary of protected lands encompasses more than 26,000 acres, and it’s chock full of native biodiversity. We’re documenting as many of these species as possible via the community science platform iNaturalist, and we need your help to find even more.

SuperSanctuary BioBlitz After Dark: Moth Lighting

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
This event has been postponed to September 8 due to weather.

During this BioBlitz bonus round, we’ll use the iNaturalist community science app to identify and document as many moth species as we can. Prepare to be amazed by the diversity, size, and beauty of our local nocturnal insects!