Calendar of Events
Connecticut River
40th Annual Connecticut River Waterfowl Safari
Join Harris Center bird brains Phil Brown and Eric Masterson, along with other guides, for a morning of waterfowl watching and welcoming spring migrants back to the fields and waterways of the Connecticut River Valley.
39th Annual Connecticut River Waterfowl Safari
Join Phil Brown, Eric Masterson, and others for a morning of waterfowl watching in the fields and waterways of the Connecticut River Valley.
38th Annual Waterfowl Safari Along the Connecticut River
The spring bird migration begins in March as waterfowl move north through along the Connecticut River. We’ll caravan to the best birding spots, with a little easy walking as needed, in hopes of seeing the spectacle.
37th Annual Waterfowl Safari Along the Connecticut River
The spring bird migration begins in March as waterfowl move north through along the Connecticut River. We’ll caravanl to the best birding spots, with a little easy walking as needed, in hopes of seeing the spectacle.
36th Annual Waterfowl Safari Along the Connecticut River
The spring bird migration begins in March as waterfowl move north through along the Connecticut River. We’ll carpool to the best birding spots, with a little easy walking as needed, in hopes of seeing the spectacle.
35th Annual “Waterfowl Safari” Along the Connecticut River
The spring bird migration begins in March as waterfowl move north through along the Connecticut River. We’ll carpool to the best birding spots, with a little easy walking as needed, in hopes of seeing the spectacle.