Harris Center News

Salamander Brigade Essay Wins Writing Award

Longtime Salamander Crossing Brigade volunteer Emily Wilson won an award for her essay, “Goldenrod Spots.”

Brett Amy Thelen Receives Environmental Excellence Award

Brett Amy Thelen has received Antioch University New England’s 2012 Alumni Environmental Excellence Award.

Stream Restoration Plans in the Works

We’re working with a team of partners to restore stream connectivity in the Ashuelot watershed.

Citizen Science: What Makes a Good Project?

Conservation research that’s local, personal, accessible, and collaborative.

Researching Bobcats in the Granite State

Researchers from UNH and NHFG are teaming up on a statewide bobcat study, and they want your help.

A Big Year for Small Owls

Owl bander Chris Volonte is back on the saw-whet beat again, and she reports that 2010 may be shaping up to be a big year.

AVEO joins the Harris Center for Conservation Education

AVEO and the Harris Center have entered a partnership to strengthen our shared work in the Monadnock Region.

Results from Fall Songbird Banding

This fall, Antioch University New England partnered with AVEO staff and volunteers for a third year of fall migration songbird banding in Keene.

Findings from Invasive Plant Surveys at Pisgah State Park

In 2008 and 2009, our citizen scientists documented 29 occurrences of 5 different invasive plant species in Pisgah State Park.

Monitoring the Fall Bird Migration

We’ll once again be monitoring migratory birds as they make their way through the Ashuelot Valley this fall.

Nighthawk Breeding Success in Keene

This is the only documented successful breeding by nighthawks in the entire state this year.

A Tribe of Tiny Owls is On the Move

We’re thrilled to partner on the first-ever Northern Saw-whet Owl banding project in southwest New Hampshire.