Calendar of Events
50th Anniversary
An Evening with Walt Whitman
Stephen Collins brings Walt Whitman to life in this acclaimed one-man show by playwright Michael Keamy.
Following in the Footsteps of John Kulish on Willard and Robb Mountains
Join Stan Smith and Vic Starzynski for a rugged hike through one of John Kulish's favorite haunts.
Art Opening: Hannah Ellingwood and Michelle Russell
Join local artists Hannah Ellingwood and Michelle Russell for an art show featuring Hannah's paper cuts and Michelle's birch bark pyrography.
Reading (and Walking) the Forested Landscape with Tom Wessels
Join noted ecologist, naturalist, and author Tom Wessels for a walk through the Harris Center woods. Seeing the forest through Tom’s eyes may change how you look at our landscape forever.
Harris Center Big Year of Birding: Waterfowl Migration
Celebrate 50 years of land protection and environmental education by spending the year cataloguing all the birds that now make the SuperSanctuary their home. This second trip in the Big Year series will focus on birding the area’s lakes and ponds for late-migrating waterfowl.
“Bobcats Before Breakfast”: Remembering Naturalist John Kulish, His Book, and His Legacy
Join writer Mark Reynolds and Harris Center naturalist Susie Spikol for an evening honoring the Harris Center’s first naturalist, John Kulish. Dig deeper into the life of this charismatic trapper-turned conservationist, and hear about his long-lasting legacy.
First-Ever Monadnock Region Natural History Conference
This one-day conference will feature presentations on a diversity of natural history topics, with a focus on conservation research, ecological restoration, and natural resource management in the Monadnock Region.
“Bobcats Before Breakfast” Reading and Discussion Group
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesJoin naturalist Susie Spikol for this special opportunity to read and discuss John Kulish’s classic 1969 book, "Bobcats Before Breakfast."
“Bobcats Before Breakfast” Reading and Discussion Group
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesJoin naturalist Susie Spikol for this special opportunity to read and discuss John Kulish’s classic 1969 book, "Bobcats Before Breakfast."
Art Opening: Lauryn Welch
Join local artist Lauryn Welch for an art opening featuring her bird-themed marker drawings.
“Bobcats Before Breakfast” Reading and Discussion Group
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesJoin naturalist Susie Spikol for this special opportunity to read and discuss John Kulish’s classic 1969 book, "Bobcats Before Breakfast."
Harris Center Big Year of Birding: Winter Finch Hike
Join Eric Masterson for this next installment in our “Big Year” series of seasonal birding outings to Harris Center protected lands – a 5-mile roundtrip hike through spruce country in search of winter finches.
Hiking Through the Decades: The Briggs Preserve
In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, we're offering Hiking Through the Decades, a four-hike series that will trace the history of the Harris Center's land protection efforts. Join Meade Cadot and Ben Haubrich for the inaugural hike -- an easy outing through the Briggs Preserve, one of the Harris Center’s earliest land protection projects.
Following in the Footsteps of John Kulish at Robb Reservoir
Join Stan Smith and Vic Starzynski for a 4-mile roundtrip hike around one of John Kulish's favorite haunts -- the shoreline of Robb Reservoir.
Bobcats Before Breakfast: John Kulish, His Book, and His Legacy
Join Susie Spikol and Meade Cadot to learn about the Harris Center’s first naturalist, John Kulish. Dig deeper into the life of this charismatic trapper-turned conservationist and, if conditions allow, do one of the things he loved the most – winter tracking!
Art Opening: Callihan and Cunningham: Inspired by Nature
Join local artists Sue Callihan and Kim Cunningham for an art show featuring Sue's landscapes and Kim's block prints, collage, and ceramics.
Harris Center Classic: “Owl Moon” Owl Prowl
Come hoot it up on this full moon adventure for families and children of all ages!
Art Opening: Craig Altobello
Join Peterborough marquetry artist Craig Altobello for an art show celebrating forest life in the Monadnock Region and the astonishing beauty we can discover every day in the woods.
Harris Center Big Year of Birding: Nightjars, Owls, and Woodcocks
Join Eric Masterson for this next installment in our “Big Year” series of birding outings to Harris Center protected lands – a search for avian creatures of the night!
Art in Wood: A Discussion and Demonstration
Join marquetry artist Craig Altobello and forest ecologist Jeremy Wilson for an evening at the intersection of art and ecology.
The Harris Center: 50 Years in the Making
Join us for a special online event tracing the Harris Center's origins. Get a glimpse of our new commemorative book, and see the history and legacy of the Harris Center through slides, stories, and conversation.
Harris Center Big Year of Birding: Uncommon Breeders of the SuperSanctuary
Join Eric Masterson for this next installment in our “Big Year” series of birding outings to Harris Center protected lands – a search for the SuperSanctuary's less common breeding birds.
Hiking Through the Decades: Willard Pond
In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, we're offering Hiking Through the Decades, a four-hike series that traces the history of the Harris Center's land protection efforts. In this edition, Eric Masterson and Phil Brown will discuss some of the 1990s land conservation work that protected the shoreline of Willard Pond.
Meade’s Tall Tales
Join Naturalist Emeritus and retired Harris Center Director Meade Cadot for a virtual cocktail party, where he'll share some of his favorite Harris Center memories through stories and slides. Come find out how Meade put the "super" in "SuperSanctuary"!
Bobcats in New Hampshire: The Latest Research
Join wildlife biologist Rory Carroll for this special presentation on what the UNH research team has learned about how bobcats have come to flourish in our region, and how we can best share the landscape with this charismatic carnivore.
Harris Center Trivia Night
Join Harris Center staff for a fun evening of nature trivia, with a focus on the Harris Center and our local landscape. Categories will include the SuperSanctuary, Harris Center history, flora and fauna, people and places, and a special "poop-pourri" "scat-agory."
An Evening with Contemporary Wildlife Artist Rosemary Conroy
Join us for a special conversation with local artist Rosemary Conroy, whose vibrant and colorful paintings celebrate the mystery, beauty, and wonder of wild creatures both near and far.
Harris Center Annual Meeting: Celebrating 50 Years
Join Harris Center staff, trustees, and friends for the capstone celebration of our 50th Anniversary Year. We'll review highlights from our first half-century, and share some more recent causes for celebration. Bring your own champagne for a toast for our 50th!
Motus: A Revolution in Migration Research
Join us to learn about an amazing new research network that is revolutionizing the study of winged migration by tracking the movements of small birds, bats, and even dragonflies who have been fitted with tiny radio transmitters -- including right here in the Monadnock Region.
50th Anniversary Fund in Action
Learn about the projects our 50th Anniversary Fund has already helped launch — including cutting-edge migration research and a new book on the history of local Indigenous people. All donors to the 50th Fund are invited to attend this event and will receive an invitation in the mail.
Book Launch: “A Deep Presence” by Dr. Robert Goodby
Join archeologist Bob Goodby for the launch of his new book "A Deep Presence" — which draws on archaeology, written history, and the living traditions of today’s Abenaki people to tell the remarkable story of Native Americans in the Monadnock Region.