Calendar of Events
Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory
Soar with the Hawks: A Program for Homeschoolers and Remote Learners
Hancock Hancock, NH, United StatesJoin Harris Center raptor education specialist Kim Snyder to learn everything you always wanted to know about New England’s raptors! This in-person, outdoor learning experience is for homeschoolers and remote learners in Grades 2 through 6.
“H is for Hawk” Reading & Discussion Group
Join poet, playwright, falconer, and naturalist Henry Walters to read and discuss the award-winning memoir by Helen Macdonald, "H is for Hawk."
Soar with the Hawks: A Program for Homeschoolers and Remote Learners
Hancock Hancock, NH, United StatesJoin Harris Center raptor education specialist Kim Snyder to learn everything you always wanted to know about New England’s raptors! This in-person, outdoor learning experience is for homeschoolers and remote learners in Grades 2 through 6.
“H is for Hawk” Reading & Discussion Group
Join poet, playwright, falconer, and naturalist Henry Walters to read and discuss the award-winning memoir by Helen Macdonald, "H is for Hawk."
POP-UP PROGRAM: Hawkwatching at High Five
Join raptor expert Phil Brown for a hawkwatching outing to Wilson Hill at the High Five Reservation in Deering. This location has excellent views to the north and west, and is a good place to observe migrating raptors, as well as fall foliage.
Hawk Mountain: Connecting the Americas Through Raptor Migration
Join Laurie Goodrich, Director of Conservation Science at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, for an introduction to the history of hawk migration study in eastern North America.
Hawk Watches: What the Numbers Tell Us
Join Phil Brown for a talk on what hawk watch data -- including our local counts from the summit of Pack Monadnock -- are helping researchers understand about the complexities of raptor migration, ecology, and long-term population trends.
Veracruz River of Raptors: Monitoring the World’s Largest Concentration of Migrating Raptors
Join us for a special evening with Kashmir Wolf of ProNatura’s Rio de Rapaces ("River of Raptors") Project in Veracruz, Mexico. Find out why raptors concentrate by the millions at Veracruz and how it's connected with other hawkwatching sites, including our very own Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory.
Hawk Talk: Fall Raptor Migration
Join Phil Brown for a look at the upcoming hawk migration season and the migration spectacle that can be viewed from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. You’ll be well prepared for peak migration after this evening of stories and stunning raptor images!
Pack Monadnock View Clearing Volunteer Workday
Volunteers are needed to help maintain the view from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory observation platform!
Raptors of the Monadnock Region: What We’re Learning
Join Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory coordinator Phil Brown for an introduction to raptor research efforts in the Monadnock Region and beyond.
Family Hawk Watch
Want to see the "Greatest Show Above Earth"? Join Harris Center naturalist Susie Spikol for this morning of hawkwatching at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory!
Migratory Raptors of Pack Monadnock
Join Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown for a look at the upcoming hawk migration spectacle that can be viewed from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough. You’ll be well prepared for peak migration after this evening of stories and stunning raptor images!
POP-UP EVENT: Raptor Release at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory
Join the Harris Center and Wings of the Dawn for a special event: the release of rehabilitated raptors back to the wild. Come be part of the excitement as these raptors get a second chance at freedom!
Birding for All: World Migratory Bird Day Big Sit at Pack Monadnock
Join Harris Center raptor biologist Levi Burford and volunteers to tally all bird species observed in a single day from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough.
Monadnock Region Natural History Conference
This full-day conference will feature presentations on a diversity of natural history topics, from wildlife to Mount Monadnock to accessibility in the outdoors.
Tracking Broad-winged Hawks from New Hampshire to the Tropics
Join Hawk Mountain research biologist Rebecca McCabe for an update on what we're learning about one of our region’s most iconic raptor species: the Broad-winged Hawk.
Environmental Studies Institute: Field Ecology of Breeding Raptors
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesSpring is breeding season for hawks, eagles, and falcons in the Monadnock Region. Step into their world during this five-part field course with Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown.
Environmental Studies Institute: Field Ecology of Breeding Raptors
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesSpring is breeding season for hawks, eagles, and falcons in the Monadnock Region. Step into their world during this five-part field course with Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown.
The Secret Lives of Our Backyard Raptors: Monitoring and Managing for Beneficial Predators
Join Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown for an evening devoted to raptors — specifically, the forest-dwelling Broad-winged Hawk and the field-loving American Kestrel.
Environmental Studies Institute: Field Ecology of Breeding Raptors
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesSpring is breeding season for hawks, eagles, and falcons in the Monadnock Region. Step into their world during this five-part field course with Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown.
Exploring Bird Migration Science with the National Audubon Society
Join avian biologist Chad Witko for an evening devoted to migratory bird science! Chad will outline the goals of National Audubon Society’s Migratory Bird Initiative and demonstrate the features of their new Migratory Bird Explorer tool.
Art Auction and Talks: Celebrating the Broad-winged Hawk on World Migratory Bird Day
Join us for an art auction and evening of talks to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day! Meet the artist and presenters, make your bid on artwork featuring the Broad-winged Hawk and the SuperSanctuary, and enjoy refreshments.
Environmental Studies Institute: Field Ecology of Breeding Raptors
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesSpring is breeding season for hawks, eagles, and falcons in the Monadnock Region. Step into their world during this five-part field course with Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown.
Environmental Studies Institute: Field Ecology of Breeding Raptors
Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United StatesSpring is breeding season for hawks, eagles, and falcons in the Monadnock Region. Step into their world during this five-part field course with Harris Center Bird Conservation Director Phil Brown.
Migratory Raptors of Pack Monadnock
Join Harris Center Bird Conservation Director and raptor aficionado Phil Brown for a look at the upcoming hawk migration season and the migration spectacle that can be viewed from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough.
Birding for All: World Migratory Bird Day Big Sit at Pack Monadnock
Join Harris Center raptor biologists Levi Burford and Katrina Fenton as we tally all bird species observed during a single day from a single location: the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough. Beginning birders and all ages welcome!
Migratory Raptors of Pack Monadnock
Join Harris Center Bird Conservation Director and raptor aficionado Phil Brown for an overview of the upcoming hawk migration season and the soaring spectacle visible from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough.
Lunch & Learn: Breeding Range of the Broad-winged Hawk with Diego Gallego García
Join biologist Diego Gallego García and the Hawk Migration Association of America (HMANA) for an online Lunch & Learn event, where we'll take a closer look at the breeding habits of the elusive Broad-winged Hawk.
Birding for All: Hawk Watch at Pack Monadnock
Want to see the "Greatest Show Above Earth"? There’s no better time or place to enjoy the migration spectacle in New Hampshire than the summit of Pack Monadnock in September. Join Phil Brown, Susie Spikol, and others to tally migratory raptors and other birds from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory.