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Tick Talk

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join us for an afternoon talk on ticks and the impact of tick-borne diseases in New Hampshire, including best practices for preventing tick bites and transmission of tick-borne diseases. Come get informed!

State of the Loon

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Have you ever wondered what loons are saying with those eerie calls in the night, or why loon chicks ride on their parents’ backs? Join biologist Harry Vogel for an illustrated lecture on the natural history of loons in New Hampshire.

Bird Banding Demonstration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
***POSTPONED UNTIL SUNDAY, JULY 29 due to rain***

Dig into the science of songbirds during this bird banding demonstration. You’ll learn how biologists use delicate nets and lightweight metal bands to monitor migratory bird populations, and enjoy up-close looks at some of the songbirds that nest in our neck of the woods.

Pollinate New England

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States

Pollinators need plants, and plants need pollinators. Without both, our entire food system is at risk. Join us for a talk on the plight of pollinators and how you can help – including recommendations for garden plants that best support local pollinators.

Tracking Ospreys from New Hampshire to South America

Hancock Town Library 25 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Iain MacLeod for an introduction to Project OspreyTrack, a multi-year project that uses GPS trackers to follow Ospreys from their nests in New Hampshire to their wintering grounds in South America and back.

Fall Hawk Watch Tune-Up

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Francie Von Mertens for a review of basic raptor ID tips at the beginning of the fall hawk watch season. Whether you watch with others at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory or from your own backyard, tune-up to better tune-in to one of the wonders of the natural world!

Nocturnal Nature: Listening to Bird Migration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

For the last several years, Eric Masterson has been operating a nocturnal flight call station from his yard in Hancock, recording and analyzing the calls of migrating birds as they pass unseen overhead. Join him to learn about this fascinating and little-known window into bird migration.

Raptor Migration in NH: What the Numbers Tell Us

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Pack Monadnock Hawk Watch Coordinator Phil Brown for a talk about hawkwatching in New Hampshire, raptor identification, and the natural history of commonly-seen hawk species.

Bat Conservation in New Hampshire

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Sandra Houghton (NHFG) and Jesse Mohr (Native Geographic) to learn about the ecology of New Hampshire bats, bat-friendly forestry, and what you can do to help local bats.

Camera Trapping Workshop: Where to Place Your Camera for Great Wildlife Images

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Janet Pesaturo, author of Camera Trapping Guide: Tracks, Sign, and Behavior of Eastern Wildlife, for a presentation on how to use tracks, sign, and knowledge of animal behavior to find the best spots for placing your wildlife camera.

Nature on Tap: Tiny Terrors

Hancock Inn 33 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Harris Center naturalists John Benjamin and Brett Amy Thelen for a spine-tingling evening of true tales about ferocious mice, zombie ants, and nature’s other tiny terrors – just in time for Halloween. Drinks on you, conversation on us!

Plovers, Knots, and Spoonies: Shorebird Success Stories from the Field

Hancock Town Library 25 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Scott Hecker, Director of Bird Conservation for the International Conservation Fund of Canada, for a talk about ICFC's work to protect Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Spoon-billed Sandpipers and more on their wintering grounds in the southern hemisphere.

The Real Eastern Coyote

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join biologist Chris Schadler for a talk gleaned from her 30 years of experience with wolf and coyote research, sheep farming, and teaching – including specific strategies for coexisting with coyotes.

Railroads of Hancock and Harrisville

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join historian Alan Rumrill for a fascinating trip through time, using old photos and historic documents to bring the railroad history of Hancock and Harrisville to life.

Sidelining Science: How Did We Get Here, Why Does It Matter, and What Do We Do About It?

Support for science and reliance on scientific facts is eroding in Washington, with some attempting to permanently sideline science from the policymaking process. Join us for an evening of discussion on just how serious this cultural rejection of science has become, and what’s at stake when science is rebuffed or ignored.

American Marten: The Latest Findings on NH’s Marten Population

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join NHFG Wildlife Biologist Jill Kilborn for an introduction to the American marten, and to learn what the latest research has revealed about this elusive mammal.

The Life and Times of New Hampshire’s Fishers

Peterborough Town Library 2 Concord St., Peterborough, NH, United States

If you have a soft spot for the underdog or just want to learn more about New Hampshire’s most misunderstood mustelid, join Susie Spikol for this lively lunchtime talk.

Groundbreaking Conservation in Eastern Nepal

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Come meet Rajeev Goyal and Priyanka Bista, the leaders of one of the most ambitious conservation projects in the world. Their "vertical university" of protected lands and learning centers in eastern Nepal protects iconic wildlife and plants -- including snow leopards, dolphins, and red pandas -- across a range of elevations.

The Prickly Truth of Porcupine Courtship

Olivia Rodham Memorial Library Nelson Common Road, Nelson, NH, United States

Join Harris Center naturalist Susie Spikol for a lively discussion on the unusual courtship habits of the North American porcupine. Get in the Valentine’s Day mood early by learning how male porcupines dance their way into the hearts of their mates!

Nature on Tap: Owl L’Amour

Hancock Inn 33 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with naturalist Susie Spikol and this light-hearted happy hour talk on owl courtship. Find out how Barred Owls woo, and learn what all that wild hooting is about in the woods!

2nd Annual Norway Pond Symposium

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join us for a day of talks highlighting recent research on the ecology of Norway Pond in Hancock. Topics will include the historical record of human activity and environmental change revealed by pond sediments and tree coresand water quality.

“My Life as a Turkey” Film and Talk

Hancock Town Library 25 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

This charming, award-winning documentary provides a rare glimpse into how these curious, intelligent wild birds see the world. Following the film, NHFG biologist Mark Ellingwood will be on hand to "talk turkey."

Tasting the Grade: A Guide to Maple Syrup

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Steve Roberge for a maple syrup tasting in celebration of sugaring season. Steve will serve as our “sommelier” for the evening, guiding us through the various grades from very dark to amber.

Salamander Crossing Brigades Workshop in Keene

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States

Every year, we train citizen scientists to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades throughout the Monadnock Region. To join the ranks – or simply to learn more about the remarkable spring amphibian migration – join us for this fun volunteer training.