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Birding Pack Monadnock

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the most important bird protection law in U.S. history. In honor of this milestone, 2018 has been declared “Year of the Bird.” Join Meade Cadot and Francie Von Mertens for a celebratory, 2.5-mile hike at a leisurely birdwatching pace.

Becoming a Birdwatcher

Spend the morning with a Harris Center naturalist fluffing up your feathers, stretching your wings, and searching for feathered friends in the birding hotspot of downtown Hancock. Learn how to become a birdwatcher, practice using binoculars, and sharpen your field guide skills.

Birding by Ear

Event Series Birding by Ear
local field sites

Join expert birder and naturalist Phil Brown as we take to the SuperSanctuary in search of birds. During this five-week Environmental Studies Institute course, we’ll observe fascinating bird behaviors and study the vocalizations of many species in depth.

Birding the Gateway to Hancock

The habitat near and on the "Gateway to Hancock" land supports a diversity of bird species, including vireos, warblers, orioles, and bobolinks. Join Francie Von Mertens and Meade Cadot for a morning of birding at this newly protected property, where we’re likely to encounter an array of migrant and breeding birds.

Birding by Ear

Event Series Birding by Ear
local field sites

Join expert birder and naturalist Phil Brown as we take to the SuperSanctuary in search of birds. During this five-week Environmental Studies Institute course, we’ll observe fascinating bird behaviors and study the vocalizations of many species in depth.

Birds and Blooms at Loverens Mill

Join Eric Masterson and Wendy Ward for an easy, 3-mile exploration of The Nature Conservancy's Loverens Mills Cedar Swamp, one of the highest quality boreal cedar swamps in the state.

Project Nighthawk Volunteer Training

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States

Nighthawks were once common in cities throughout New Hampshire, where they nested on gravel roofs and fed on insects attracted to city lights. In recent years, these acrobatic birds have disappeared from many New Hampshire towns, but they still nest in Keene.

Bird Banding Demonstration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
***POSTPONED UNTIL SUNDAY, JULY 29 due to rain***

Dig into the science of songbirds during this bird banding demonstration. You’ll learn how biologists use delicate nets and lightweight metal bands to monitor migratory bird populations, and enjoy up-close looks at some of the songbirds that nest in our neck of the woods.

Raptor Volunteer Educator Training

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Calling all hawk fans – we’re in need of volunteer educators to help out at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory this fall! In this volunteer training, we'll teach you the tricks of the trade, so you’ll be well prepared for sharing your love of hawks with kids who are hawkwatching for the first time.

Raptor Ready with New Hampshire Audubon

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Get ready for the greatest show above earth -- the fall hawk migration! Learn what to look for and where to look for it, then experience a close encounter with one of NH Audubon’s live raptors.

Tracking Ospreys from New Hampshire to South America

Hancock Town Library 25 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Iain MacLeod for an introduction to Project OspreyTrack, a multi-year project that uses GPS trackers to follow Ospreys from their nests in New Hampshire to their wintering grounds in South America and back.

Fall Hawk Watch Tune-Up

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Francie Von Mertens for a review of basic raptor ID tips at the beginning of the fall hawk watch season. Whether you watch with others at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory or from your own backyard, tune-up to better tune-in to one of the wonders of the natural world!

Nocturnal Nature: Listening to Bird Migration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

For the last several years, Eric Masterson has been operating a nocturnal flight call station from his yard in Hancock, recording and analyzing the calls of migrating birds as they pass unseen overhead. Join him to learn about this fascinating and little-known window into bird migration.

Raptor Migration in NH: What the Numbers Tell Us

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Pack Monadnock Hawk Watch Coordinator Phil Brown for a talk about hawkwatching in New Hampshire, raptor identification, and the natural history of commonly-seen hawk species.

Mount Monadnock Hike and Hawk Watch

Dublin Trail, Mount Monadnock Old Troy Road, Dublin, NH, United States

Join Tom Warren during peak hawk migration week for a hike and hawk watch along Mount Monadnock's Dublin Trail. Though we'll not be visiting the summit, we'll be sure to stop at several vantage points to scan the sky for southbound migrants.

Pack Monadnock Raptor Release

Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory Miller State Park, Peterborough, NH, United States

Join us for the special send-off of a rehabilitated migratory bird of prey! This annual event is timed to coincide with the peak of the Broad-winged Hawk migration, so bring your binoculars and hope to witness a spectacle.

Mount Monadnock Hike and Hawk Watch

Join Tom Warren for a 2.5- to 3-mile hike and hawk watch from points along Mount Monadnock's Dublin Trail. We'll not be visiting the summit, but we'll be sure to stop at several vantage points to scan the sky for southbound migrants.

“Big Sit” Migration Watch at Pack Monadnock

Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory Miller State Park, Peterborough, NH, United States
NOTE: This event has been postponed to Sunday, October 14 due to weather.

Join fellow birders and hawk watchers for the annual “Big Sit” event – a tally of all bird species as viewed from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Come for an hour or stay the whole day, and lend your eyes to the skies.

“Big Sit” Migration Watch at Pack Monadnock

Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory Miller State Park, Peterborough, NH, United States

Join fellow birders and hawk watchers for the annual “Big Sit” event – a tally of all bird species as viewed from the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory. Come for an hour or stay the whole day, and lend your eyes to the skies.

Plovers, Knots, and Spoonies: Shorebird Success Stories from the Field

Hancock Town Library 25 Main Street, Hancock, NH, United States

Join Scott Hecker, Director of Bird Conservation for the International Conservation Fund of Canada, for a talk about ICFC's work to protect Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Spoon-billed Sandpipers and more on their wintering grounds in the southern hemisphere.

Watching for Golden Eagles from Mount Monadnock

Dublin Trail, Mount Monadnock Old Troy Road, Dublin, NH, United States

Join Tom Warren during the peak week for Golden Eagles to migrate through the Monadnock Region on their way south from Quebec. We’ll hike Mount Monadnock's Dublin Trail, stopping at suitable vantage points to scan the skies for this charismatic raptor.

Christmas Bird Count in Keene

The Christmas Bird Count is the world’s oldest and largest biological survey and citizen science endeavor, with thousands of participants worldwide. No need to be an expert!

35th Annual “Waterfowl Safari” Along the Connecticut River

Connecticut River Hinsdale to Charlestown, NH, United States

The spring bird migration begins in March as waterfowl move north through along the Connecticut River. We’ll carpool to the best birding spots, with a little easy walking as needed, in hopes of seeing the spectacle.

Beginner Bird Banding Course

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

This seven-day course for birders and wildlife biologists will provide a hands-on introduction to bird banding, including safe operation of mist nets, bird handling, and data scoring skills.

Bird Banding Demonstration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States

Dig into the science of songbirds during this bird banding demonstration by ornithologist Dr. Patricia Wohner. You’ll get great glimpses of some of the songbirds that make their home in the Harris Center woods and fields, and hopefully see a few spring migrants as well.

Young Birders Club Takes Flight

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
NOTE: This program has been POSTPONED.

The Young Birders Club is ready to take wing again after a brief hiatus! This club, led by expert birder Phil Brown and naturalist Susie Spikol, is dedicated to helping young naturalists discover the world of birds and birding.

Plum Island Birding Excursion

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Refuge Road, Newbury, MA, United States

Join Eric Masterson and Meade Cadot for a visit to the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in Massachusetts – one of the best birding locations in all of New England.