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Salamander Crossing Brigades Workshop in Hancock

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
NOTE: This event has been CANCELED.

Every year, we train citizen scientists to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades throughout the Monadnock Region. To join the ranks – or simply to learn more about the remarkable spring amphibian migration – join us for this fun volunteer training.

Salamander Crossing Brigades Workshop in Keene

Putnam Science Center at Keene State College Appian Way, Keene, NH, United States
NOTE: This event has been CANCELED.

Every year, we train citizen scientists to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades throughout the Monadnock Region. To join the ranks – or simply to learn more about the remarkable spring amphibian migration – join us for this fun volunteer training.

Conserving Grassland Birds in New England

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
NOTE: This event has been POSTPONED until further notice.

Join renowned ornithologist Jon Atwood to learn about regional conservation initiatives focused on grassland birds, including the Bobolink Project and the status of Eastern Meadowlarks.

Art in Wood: A Discussion and Demonstration

Harris Center for Conservation Education 83 Kings Hwy, Hancock, NH, United States
NOTE: This event has been POSTPONED until further notice.

Join marquetry artist Craig Altobello and forest ecologist Jeremy Wilson for an evening at the intersection of art and ecology.

Opossums and Their Marsupial Ways

Join teacher-naturalist Susie Spikol for a talk on North America’s only marsupial. Discover how the oddball opossum survives and thrives, and leave with a new understanding of this oft-misunderstood mammal!

“Good Bug or Bad Bug?” for Gardeners

Do you ever wonder if an insect is helpful or harmful to your garden? Find out by joining Jenna Spear, Harris Center teacher-naturalist and resident entomologist, for this virtual conversation.

Trains from Hancock and Harrisville to Beyond

Join Alan Rumrill, Director of the Historical Society of Cheshire County, for an enlightening talk on the train history of Hancock and Harrisville.

Bobcats in New Hampshire: The Latest Research

Join wildlife biologist Rory Carroll for this special presentation on what the UNH research team has learned about how bobcats have come to flourish in our region, and how we can best share the landscape with this charismatic carnivore.

Shining a Light on Light Pollution

How we light our homes, towns, and cities impacts everything from fireflies and luna moths to songbirds, owls, mammals, and even our own health. Join Susan Harder of the International Dark Sky Association for a presentation on the ecological and human health impacts of light pollution -- including ways you can make a difference.

Coyotes of Gotham

Join Dr. Chris Nagy for a slideshow and discussion of his research on coyotes and other wildlife in New York City. Find out how these canines make a living in the Big Apple -- and what the Gotham Coyote research is revealing about the secret lives of these fascinating and resilient mammals.  

A Hawkwatching Primer

Join Harris Center Hawk Watch Coordinator and avid birdwatcher Phil Brown for a virtual primer on viewing the greatest show above the earth -- the annual fall hawk migration.

Lunch & Learn: Celebrating International Hawk Migration Week

Join Julie Brown of the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) for a virtual "Lunch & Learn" event celebrating International Hawk Migration Week! Through videos and photos, we'll "migrate" to various raptor monitoring sites throughout the continent and learn what hawk watchers have been seeing this year.

Fascinating Fungi

Join Dr. Lawrence Millman for an evening of stories from his latest book Fungipedia, an illustrated mini-encyclopedia of mushroom lore. You won't want to miss this fun glimpse into the fascinating world of fungi!

Hawk Watches: What the Numbers Tell Us

Join Phil Brown for a talk on what hawk watch data -- including our local counts from the summit of Pack Monadnock -- are helping researchers understand about the complexities of raptor migration, ecology, and long-term population trends.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Great Outdoors

Zoom , United States

Join us for a special evening with Running Grass, who will share his thoughts on what we can do to ensure that trails, conserved lands, and environmental education programs are welcoming spaces for all.

Coyotes, Fishers, and Bears, Oh My!

Zoom , United States

Join naturalist Susie Spikol for an engaging Zoom talk about coexisting with coyotes, fishers, and bears. We'll explore key aspects of each species' behavior and ecology, crack open some myths, and learn how to be good neighbors to these oft-misunderstood mammals.

Motus: A Revolution in Migration Research

Zoom , United States

Join us to learn about an amazing new research network that is revolutionizing the study of winged migration by tracking the movements of small birds, bats, and even dragonflies who have been fitted with tiny radio transmitters -- including right here in the Monadnock Region.

Spiders! Do You Dare….?

Zoom , United States

Don't let Halloween pass by without joining us for this spine-tingling talk with spider expert Karen Cangialosi! Get in touch with your spidey sense and discover the truth about these oft-misunderstood and feared creatures.